Knitting gets in your veins!

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve written here! And sure enough, I have picked up my needles. Of course, when I left this blog I had knitted baby booties and scratch mitts and then that was that for quite a long time. I recently picked up my needles again in late august while at the cottage. I was bored…my mom brought hers up – not that she knits anymore – and I picked up her stuff, and got the bug back! After that, I knit my first pair of mittens for the little one…and since I got a sewing machine, I even sewed in a fleece liner! It also seemed like a good idea to attach an icord to the mittens so she wouldn’t lose them! Next i made this amazing hat for her to keep her warm! And now I’m working on a pair of socks!

Well, that’s it for the knitting! Just being a mom, working, and building my private counselling practice! 🙂 Let me know if you’re interested in learning more about what I’m up to!

I’ll keep you posted and happy knitting!

mittens IMG_2718

It’s time to move

First let me say, I will be back but since I’ve swapped my needles for diapers and my wool for coos, it seems off topic to just write about my baby and nothing about my clickety clackety. Which is one reason why I haven’t put up new posts.
I’m going to be starting a new blog and you can follow me there. I will be starting that blog with some of my baby posts from here (yorkvillepurls) and then continuing.
I hope to pick up my sticks again and when I do I will write about it here and add a link from the new blog so you’ll know.
My new address is

Take care!
It’s been wonderful sharing with you these past few years!

A bientot!


Want a quick way to lose thirty pounds? Get pregnant, wait almost ten months, go into labour and delivery, wait a few weeks and… Voila!

Want a quick way to feel like a complete moron? Get pregnant, wait almost ten months, deliver an absolutely perfect child ( cause it’s yours), and start reading parenting books and listening to “well meaning” advice of others!

A questionable adventure

Hello strange world! I have no idea where new moms would find the time to blog everyday or how in the U.S. you’re back at work within 3 months. Between being tired (though not nearly as much as in the beginning) and being ruled by the total crazy upheaval that is a first born, my life – my time – is completely turned around! I plan my day around my new schedule! Her routine, and working within it, is not only important for me to maintain it but it makes things easier. I’m not going to plan to go out at the same time I know she’ll be ready to go down for a nap because she’ll be cranky and miserable and then I won’t enjoy myself! As she’s growing I’m learning! Being a moderate type A personality I can tell you that the need for organization, schedules/plans, and a well thought out to do list isn’t possible with a baby! That has so far been one of the most frustrating lessons… I never know what’s next! I’m learning to go with the flow more and have to accept that right now I can’t do everything I’d like to do in a day! Some babies are easier-don’t want to be held a lot; some babies are harder-cry all the time; bottom line is, in the beginning you’re working around them! I’ve had so many people say-oh, the first six months are the worst! Don’t worry it gets easier after that! At least I know I’m not alone!

So, the other day I went to my first mom and baby group! It was really good! I enjoyed it! My daughter was one of 6 other baby girls and one boy. The youngest was 3 months, 3 (including mine) were 4 months, there were two 5 month olds, and a six month old. There were toys and songs and of course conversation! We talked about some frustrations and some cures for gas 🙂 Then at the end we sang some songs! I’ll go back! The women seemed nice and I’m looking forward to the next one!

At one point I had to change her and she was crying and there was another baby being changed beside her, and she put her hand out to my daughter so she would stop crying. It was very cute.

Tummy Time

And now… for the questionable adventure part of my post.  So, last weekend my sister-in-law, her husband and their 4 kids (9 years down to 6 months) moved to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia.  Why?  No, not for work.  No, not cause he’s from there.  No, not with their religious group or for religious reasons.  No, no, no, whatever you are going to ask.  A simpler life – maybe.  The REAL answer none of us are really sure why.  They’ve been there for one week.  Their flight left Toronto 2 hours late and therefore they missed their connecting flight and had to sit at the connection for 6 hours instead of 3.  When they got to Ethiopia, they could not find/retrieve his computer (which he needs for work – with it he was going to be able to continue to work for his employer that’s based here through the internet) nor could they find/retrieve the baby’s playpen/crib.  As the week has gone by, some progress has been made – the kids have been enrolled in school for when it starts … September?  We’re hoping they’ll be home by Christmas.  😛

Burning eyes

Have you ever been so tired that your eyes feel cold and like they’re burning?  That’s how my eyes feel right now!  The grey rainy weather certainly doesn’t help.  My wee little babe is 9 weeks old now and sleeping longer at night…but we’re not as lucky during the day.  Some days she takes a few good naps during the day, and some days she doesn’t.  The days she doesn’t lead me to desperation when I turn to the babybjorn so I can get things done and hopefully get her to sleep.  My days have turned into me thinking, calculating, and planning when poops, naps, feedings and how much, happened and will happen.  Do I eat lunch?  Nope!  Do I bathe or brush my teeth? Not usually! 😛  But with each day brings more smiles, more eye contact, more pleasure and comfort in my new role, and more confidence that I’m getting the hang of things.  It’s amazing that amidst all my worries and concerns (and 20 years of child care experience), it’s my husband who says “don’t worry, we’re doing everything right, and it will be ok.  Just  be patient.  She’s a baby and getting adjusted”.    I call the doctor when I notice her poop looks more like snot then poo.  I call the doctor when her poop is watery.  I call the doctor when she toots.  I call the doctor to prescribe me some ativan! 😉  Actually, all I’ve really been taking is extra-strength tylenol and going for massages.

I started doing yoga this past weekend and am hoping that with stretching, heating pads, and constantly reminding myself to lower my shoulders that my back will start to feel better.  Bit by bit I want to get my body back in shape!

Slave to a six week old!

Yes it’s true! I’m a slave to a 6 week old! It’s 2:28 am and I’m standing in the dark in my living in my pj’s with my baby strapped into the baby bjorn which (as previously mentioned) is strapped to my body. I’m thumbing away on my apple itouch and swaying back and forth & side to side so she’ll go to sleep and in turn I’ll go to sleep. She got up at 12:45 am and my husband changed her and I fed her. She was fussy and didn’t seem ‘in the mood’ to sit still and take her bottle. After an hour she was still wide eyed and being held was apparently not on her agenda. I laid her in her crib and that lasted about ten minutes. Then I made another bottle and she didn’t want that. My husband finally got up and took her but… she didn’t want that. I thought maybe laying down beside me and not being held might do the trick. So, we got in bed. After ten seconds her eyes started to close! Yes!!! She was going to fall asleep and so was I! Wishful thinking! She quickly opened her eyes and started to cry. Maybe she has gas? So, out came the gripe water. And as a final solution… the back breaker! The baby bjorn was put on at an ungodly hour to ensure my daughter would go to sleep! Sure enough as I thumb away on the touch screen, she’s sleeping. Now I have to pee! Well, off I go to the bathroom baby et al! You can come too!

Here lies the next question-sit and fall asleep on the sofa or stay awake long enough to put her in her bassinet and crawl into bed, wait till round 2 where I tap my husband on the back and say ‘babe, your turn’!


First let me define post partum depression for you.  According to my go-to site (Wikipedia) Post partum depression is a form of clinical depression which can affect women  after childbirth.  It usually starts in the first few months, and may last up to several months or even a year. Symptoms include sadness, fatigue, changes in sleeping and eating patterns, reduced libido, crying episodes, anxiety, and irritability. It is sometimes assumed that postpartum depression is caused by a lack of vitamins, but studies tend to show that more likely causes are the significant changes in a woman’s hormones during pregnancy.

Now, a postpartum appointment happens 6 weeks after childbirth and according to it is an appointment to make sure you are recovering well (physically and emotionally) after delivering your baby. Now, these are what is part of a standard postpartum checkup:  your doctor will perform a complete physical and ask you questions about your recovery and your baby; this is also a good time to ask your doctor any questions you have about your recovery, postpartum depressionbreastfeeding,formula feeding or anything else that’s on your mind.  They will check your weight and blood pressure to make sure it is back to normal.  Next, your uterus and breasts will be checked to make sure they have returned to its normal size by six weeks postpartum, even though your stomach muscles may still feel slack. Your doctor will also feel your abdomen to check for tenderness and your breasts for lumps or abnormal nipple discharge. If you are breastfeeding, he or she will make sure you don’t have any clogged ducts or the beginnings of a breast infection (mastitis). Your doctor will check to be sure your perineum is healing if you had an episiotomy or tore during delivery. During the internal exam, he or she will also check to make sure any bruises, scratches, or tears to your cervix or vagina are healing properly. He or she will also feel your ovaries and check your vaginal muscle tone.  The topic of sex and contraception will be discussed as getting pregnant again is very easy after having your baby.  Your emotional health will be brought up – how you are feeling and adjusting,  how the baby is doing, and if you are experiencing any postpartum depression. This is a good time to bring up any questions or concerns you have that he or she hasn’t addressed.  As well, some lab tests may be done.  He or she may also perform a Pap smear at this visit.

Now, let me tell you what happened at my postpartum appointment! Nothing!!!

I went down to the hospital for my appointment, with my mother and daughter in tow!  I checked in and waited about 15 minutes before being called in.  Great right?  Pretty quick for a ObGyn!  So, I was weighed – I won’t divulge that info! 😉 My blood pressure was taken, back to my normal 100 over 70.  And the nurse asked how I was feeling, how I was adjusting, and about contraception.  Then, she gave me a hug and said “hope to see you soon!  Good luck with everything and take care.  The doctor will be in soon.”  Ok, we figured it was about 11:05am we should be out soon.  At 11:45am my daughter started to get very hungry.  I’m not breasfeeding and was hoping to be able to leave to go home and feed her but the nurse said I had to wait.  I then searched for hot water to warm up her bottle.  At 12:20pm (almost 2 hours in) my mom left to wait in the car to avoid getting a ticket.  At 12:25 – the doctor (as wonderful as she is) finally came in and asked me how I was feeling and adjusting and about contraception.  Then she gave me a hug and said “hope to see you soon!  Good luck with everything and take care. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you”.  Umm! Excuse me?! Where’s my internal?  Where’s my abdomen check? Where’s my breast check?  I sat here for 2 hours to have the same conversation twice – which only lasted 5 minutes – and to have my blood pressure checked?!?! I could have gone to the drugstore checked my blood pressure myself, called with the result and talked to you about how I was feeling!!! What a waste of time!

Thanks for letting me vent! 😛

April Fool

I don’t have any pranks, tricks, or jokes – just couldn’t think of a good title! 😛

I’m sitting at my computer quietly typing away as my baby sleeps in the baby bjorn strapped to my body.  I’m playing ocean sounds on youtube to keep her in a state of blissful sleep.  Apparently, babies go right into the REM cycle and for the first 25 minutes of sleep are easily woken.  As we have a dinner to get to in an hour, I’m trying to keep her sleeping for 30 minutes – this way she will have passed from the easily woken cycle (25 minutes) into the deep sleep cycle (another 25 minutes).  I have become a temporary slave to my daughter!

She really likes to be held, which is wonderful – but then I can’t do anything.  I know I shouldn’t always hold her but right now…as they say, you can’t spoil a newborn!  Having her in the baby bjorn allows her to ‘be held’/close to me, and keeps my hands free to get some “work” done (tidying up, emailing, ect) and then once she’s fast asleep I lie her down and then I lie down.  Next week, she’ll be 6 weeks and we’re going to start sleep training her.  I’m not quite sure what that is (the clear definition) but basically we’re going to put her down before she’s asleep and if she cries we’ll let her cry for 5 minutes or so, so she can start to develop the ability to self soothe.  Right now she sleeps in a bassinet in our room and we’ll keep it that way for a bit longer, but self soothing is important for her growth, development, and future ability to deal with life.  We won’t get into the psychology of child rearing here but there’s also the topic of delaying gratification.

Anyhoo, it is definitely hard hearing her cry when she’s upset as we can’t fix it.  But like any new parent, we run through the list – wet? hungry? bored? overstimulated? hot? cold? tired? overtired? gassy? Lately it’s been overtired.

I’m approaching my 30 minute mark so I’ll be going! Take care!

Twenty days and growing

Hello blogging world!  It’s been almost a month since I’ve last posted and things have been busy!!  Let me first say, that we had a beautiful baby girl on February 24th weighing in at 6 pounds 7 ounces.  I had the epidural – and will definitely do it again! 😛

Let me tell you about my adventure.  On February 22nd I went for my last ultrasound and they found that my amniotic fluid was low and they also saw a 6cm by 6cm mass outside my uterus near my liver.  So, my OBGYN said she wanted to induce on the 25th and they would deal with the mass after my delivery.  Because the mass was outside my uterus it posed no risk to the baby.  My husband and I were very excited!!! We were going to have a baby that week!  We didn’t have much time to make sure all our t’s were crossed and i’s dotted.  My official due date was for March 3rd (according to the doctor, March 1st according to me), so I was going to be a bit early and certainly wanted to be prepared! On the 24th I got all my phone calls taken care of and errands done.  I finished and put away all the laundry and then stopped to have lunch.  About 30 minutes after eating, I felt very sick.  I started having excruciating pain in my abdomen that wasn’t stopping.  I knew it wasn’t labour because labour comes in waves.  I started throwing up and managed to call my husband at work and have him sent home.  My mom also called me while he was on his way but I was in agony and told her to call him – I just couldn’t concentrate on the pain and talking to her!  By the time my husband came home the pain had been going on for over an hour nonstop, and he & my mom wanted me to go to the hospital but I couldn’t walk because of the pain.  So…an ambulance took me down.  I’d never been in one before, and though it was a bit bumpy it was kind of cool! 🙂  Once we got to the hospital I was sent right up to labour and delivery where they proceeded to tell me I wasn’t in labour.  D’uh!  I told them  I knew that!  I had now been in constant excruciating pain for almost 3 hours!  By the 4th hour they gave me morphine – they said because I wasn’t in labour it was safe for me to take as it wouldn’t affect the baby.  By 10 pm, we were waiting to find out if I was going to have an ultrasound to see if the pain was associated with the mass.  I was comfortable as the morphine I had taken at 6pm was still working.  I told my husband and mom to go home and I would keep them posted.  Well,  at 11:30pm the pain came back with a vengeance but… it was coming in waves.  The nurse took a look at told me that I was 2 cm dilated and was in labour! Whoohoo!  She said I was feeling the pain because the morphine had worn off and did I was an epidural.  Yes please!

At 2am I texted my husband to tell him that we were going to have a baby that day (the 24th) and he came right back down (he wasn’t able to sleep anyway, as he was worried about me).  By 5:30 a.m. I was 7 cm and messaged my dad to tell him that we may have a baby by 9 a.m.  The doctor came in at 10 a.m. and noticed that the baby’s head was facing up and for a proper delivery babies heads need to face down.  So the doctor put her hand in and started to turn the baby’s head while I pushed!  An hour later it was time to start pushing her out and after 30 minutes out she came!  My husband was a great coach, my mom (who had arrived at 10:30 a.m.) watched the whole delivery, and because the hospital I was at is a teaching hospital I had 2 doctors, 2 nurses, and 2 interns in the small delivery room with me!  It was very busy!!!

They put the baby on my chest and then gave a quick bath and handed her to my husband while I tried to push out the placenta.  Well, after about 25 minutes I couldn’t push it out myself so I went off to the operating room where the doctor pulled with one hand and the nurse pushed down on stomach to ‘deliver’ it.  If you recall, I went into the hospital with agonizing abdominal pain so the nurse pushing felt like a jagged knife being driven into my stomach and tearing its way through.  It was awful!  After all that, I was placed in a recovery room where my dad, mom, and husband showed up with my beautiful daughter.  I sent my husband home to rest and I recovered.  On the 25th (Friday) I went and had an ultrasound and a CT scan to find this mass and see if it was causing my problems.  Well folks, the mass was gone!!!  No one knows what it was or where it went but it’s gone!  They figure that the pushing to get out the placenta could have broken down whatever it was.  We went home on the 26th and that is my story!

I feel like I’ve recovered and now we are learning about our daughter as she learns about us and herself.  It’s a real learning curve and it’s great to have the support of family, friends, and of course my husband!  I tell you, it’s weird to go from being an independent working woman to a stay at home mom with stay at home mom duties!  Now that I have a daughter I feel different, and am completely in love with my husband!  He’s changed too!  He feels the added sense of responsibility,  the love, the joy, and he races home just to see her!

I do hope to start knitting again soon…otherwise I may have to change the purpose of this blog to being about my daughter! 😀